Like with all good projects, this one's genesis involved some copious amounts of alcohol and a discussion over MSN Messenger about Rubik's cubes and Minesweeper. Obviously, the topic quickly degenerated into combining the two into a 3D Minesweeper and we learned that, while such games already exists, all available options are either Linux-exclusive, expensive, or buggy.
I found the situation absolutely unacceptable, so I ended up spending my winter break on learning the basics of OpenGL and creating the first prototype for Boxes and Bombs, which I called CubeSweeper back then. The result was such as one would expect, update logic tied to framerate, GL_SELECT picking, and about a dozen unnecessary dependencies. Ugh.
This all happened about a decade ago, so I thought it's about time for me to try again and hopefully do a bit less of an awful job this time. Download it here.